No Cojas Lucha

MSP is proud to present No Cojas Lucha By Sonia Cordoves

*This play will be performed in Spanish

Written By: Sonia Cordoves
Directed By: Ricky J Martinez


Mira cómo se desarrolla el drama novelesco en el que una princesa cubana y un “gringo” americano se casan en esta divertidísima farsa. Mark y Elenita están locamente enamorados, y lo único que quiere Elenita es su mágica boda en Hialeah y pasar el resto de su vida con Mark. La hilaridad sobreviene a medida que la pareja navega entre sus familias cuando surgen malentendidos al perderse las cosas en la traducción y producirse choques culturales.

Watch the novela-esque drama unfold as a Cuban Princess and an all American “Gringo” tie the knot in this hilarious farce. Mark and Elenita are head over heels in love with each other; and all Elenita wants is her magical Hialeah wedding and to spend the rest of her life with Mark. Hilarity ensues as the couple navigate their families when misunderstandings arise as things get lost in translation and culture clashes occur.

No Cojas Lucha runs June 7 – June 23.

♦ Shows are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm and  Sundays at 2 pm. 

♦ Tickets: $30 for adults, $25 for students, seniors, (65+) and military personnel. 

♦ Tickets may be purchased in advance at at the door (Box Office opens 60 minutes prior to any performance)


Jun 07 - 23 2024


8:00 pm


Main Street Playhouse
6812 Main Street, Miami Lakes, Fl 33014
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